Crucible® Mind Mapping Therapy
July 21-24, 2016
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
9am – 5pm
Sheraton Bellevue Hotel
Bellevue, WA
Presented by
Drs. David Schnarch and Ruth Morehouse
Co-Directors, Crucible Institute
This workshop is now full for 2016.
For information regarding future scheduling of this workshop, be sure to join our mailing list , or call (303) 670-2630.
No doubt you’re familiar with mindfulness, but what comes after this? Mindfulness is an intra-personal brain-changing method of focusing attention within your own mind. What will a truly interpersonal neurobiological therapy look like?
This workshop offers the first fully developed therapy based on the brain science of mind-mapping. Mind-mapping—the brain’s innate ability to make a mental map of another person’s mind–focuses on interpersonal mind-to-mind contact.
The Crucible Mind Mapping Therapy Workshop offers new ways to treat highly troubled couples and individuals from dysfunctional backgrounds by revolutionizing psychotherapy. Mind mapping creates entirely different treatment dynamics and closes the loopholes clients escape through. People make difficult self-acknowledgements they would otherwise reject, and self-confrontations they would usually avoid, because the data stream and therapy process is unanticipated. These rapid developments de-escalate hostility and encourage positive brain plasticity in long-troubled couples.
It’s not often truly life-changing information comes along. After 12 years of clinical development and research, Crucible Mind Mapping Therapy is ready for release.
This workshop covers the incredible neuroscience behind how the brain automatically maps out other people’s minds, and how we come to understand ourselves.
- Mind-mapping changes your view of relationships: It’s much easier to accept a dysfunctional relationship when you think your partner is socially inept or mind-blind. When you realize your partner is tracking your responses, mapping your mind, and using this against you, stuck relationships quickly reach critical mass for change.
- You’ll also learn about mind-masking, the brain’s ability to ward off being mapped by someone else. Good mind-maskers can make you think they complete lack mind mapping ability. Understanding mind masking will completely change your view of your cases–and maybe your partner too. People who repeatedly do cruel, unhelpful, disappointing and/or hurtful things succeed because of their mind-mapping ability, not because they lack it.
- The third major focus concerns traumatic mind mapping (Schnarch, 2009), which occurs when successfully mapping out someone else's mind traumatizes your mind and negatively impacts your brain. Traumatic mind mapping revolutionizes your understanding of how emotional and sexual trauma occurs. Discover the hidden negative short-term and long-term brain impacts caused by repeated traumatic mind-mapping, particularly during childhood.
- Therapists often experience traumatic mind mapping in sessions from upsetting realizations about their clients or hearing their terrible stories. Become more resilient to traumatic mind-mapping in your sessions.
Learning these revolutionary therapy requires new teaching methods. This workshop emphasizes intuitive "right-brain" learning through personal application and extensive multi-media to develop your clinical abilities to use mind mapping in therapy. You will learn how to detect clients’ subtle mind mapping and mind-masking abilities, identify traumatic mind-mapping, introduce mind mapping to sessions, and leverage it into far-reaching insights and effective interventions.
Brain-based mind mapping therapy shakes up people’s lives and opens new avenues of healing and positive brain-change. Learning about it is personally powerful too. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to apply what you’re learning to your own life. In fact, you'll find it hard to stop. You’ll know first-hand what it’s like for clients to go through this.
Past participants say this workshop can shake your world upside-down too. We can’t promise you a life-changing experience, but come prepared for powerful new insights into your clients and how you conduct psychotherapy, together with revelations about your personal relationships and life history, that have lasting impact long after the workshop is over.
Overall, this workshop helps you develop your mind and brain as a clinical tool. Become a better source of positive brain-change in your clients, and the important people in your life.
- Harness interpersonal neurobiology through the brain science of mind-mapping.
- Strengthen couple therapy by detecting client’s mind-mapping and mind-masking abilities.
- Identify traumatic mind mapping and its short and long term neurobiological impacts.
- Introduce mind-mapping in sessions and leverage this into far-reaching insights and effective interventions.
Please note all times are approximate. Because we are focusing on practical learning, case deconstruction, and participant involvement, everyone benefits from the freedom to pay more attention to some aspects more than others. This may alter the time devoted to each topic.
** | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 |
9:00 | Understanding Mind Mapping | Using Mind Mapping in Therapy | Science-Based Psychotherapy | Traumatic Mind Mapping in Therapy |
10:30 | Break | Break | Break | Break |
10:45 | How Mind Mapping Works | Clinical examples of Mind Mapping Therapy | Practice Applying Mind Mapping | Personal Application |
12:30-1:30 | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch |
1:30 | Traumatic Mind Mapping | Live Clinical Demonstration | Traumatic Mind Mapping | Interpersonal Neurobiological Problems |
3:15 | Break | Break | Break | Break |
3:30-5:00 | Common Examples of Traumatic Mind Mapping | Debriefing u0026amp; Discussion | Anti-Social Empathy | Crucible® Neurobiological Therapy |
This workshop is offered at the intermediate level of postgraduate training.
Learning objectives for the Bellevue Clinical Workshop:
For a complete list of learning objectives, please contact the Marriage and Family Health Center by email, phone or letter.
For information on the Workshop Presenters, click here. To review their vita, click here for Dr. David Schnarch or Dr. Ruth Morehouse.
Fees include coffee and beverage breaks. Lunch is on your own all days.
Bellevue, WA
Early registration (received by June 9, 2016) – $630.00
Standard registration – $700.00
For details of the Bellevue, WA Workshop location, lodging and parking, click here.
Bellevue, WA Cancellation Policy:
By Written Request Only.
When cancellation is received by June 14, 2016: full refund minus $150;
Received by June 24, 2016: 50% refund;
Thereafter 25% refund, no refund after start of Workshop.
To complete your registration, you must complete the Workshop Agreement and Conflicts of Interest Disclosure and return these forms to us. (View and print these forms here). Your Registration is not official until MFHC has received and approved these forms. After completing payment, please print these pages, sign, and fax to our office at (303) 670-2392 or email to [email protected].
Continuing Education Credits:
Crucible Mind Mapping Therapy Workshop:
This program is sponsored by the Marriage and Family Health Center (MFHC, also doing business as the Crucible Institute).
MFHC is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to Sponsor continuing education for psychologists. MFHC maintains responsibility for this program and its content. This workshop earns: Four Day Workshop 28 CE credits for Licensed Psychologists.
Marriage u0026amp; Family Health Center (MFHC) has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 5870. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. MFHC is soley responsible for all aspects of the programs. This workshop earns 26 NBCC Clock Hours.
MFHC is also an approved provider of the Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners (TEXAS SW), and this workshop earns: Four Day Workshop 26 CE Credits.
This program meets the requirements of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) and is approved for 26 CE Credits. Completion of this program does not ensure or guarantee AASECT certification. For further information please contact [email protected].
CE Credits $15.00 per certificate requested. If you need CE credits, you must take responsibility for checking to see if we have approval for your agency or licensing board. We have participants coming from all over the United States and outside the United States. Thus, we cannot guarantee CE credits for every State or Agency. Many professional organizations will accept the CE Credits from parallel organizations, but it is your responsibility to confirm status with your professional organization. The variations of the exact amount of CE hours depend on each Agency’s policy regarding breaks.
This workshop makes good therapists better, combining the fine art of psychotherapy with evolving brain science. Reserve your space in this exciting clinical training.
Crucible® Mind Mapping Therapy
July 21-24, 2016
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
9am – 5pm
Sheraton Bellevue Hotel
Bellevue, WA
Presented by
Drs. David Schnarch and Ruth Morehouse
Co-Directors, Crucible Institute
This workshop is now full for 2016.
For information regarding future scheduling of this workshop, be sure to join our mailing list , or call (303) 670-2630.
No doubt you’re familiar with mindfulness, but what comes after this? Mindfulness is an intra-personal brain-changing method of focusing attention within your own mind. What will a truly interpersonal neurobiological therapy look like?
This workshop offers the first fully developed therapy based on the brain science of mind-mapping. Mind-mapping—the brain’s innate ability to make a mental map of another person’s mind–focuses on interpersonal mind-to-mind contact.
The Crucible Mind Mapping Therapy Workshop offers new ways to treat highly troubled couples and individuals from dysfunctional backgrounds by revolutionizing psychotherapy. Mind mapping creates entirely different treatment dynamics and closes the loopholes clients escape through. People make difficult self-acknowledgements they would otherwise reject, and self-confrontations they would usually avoid, because the data stream and therapy process is unanticipated. These rapid developments de-escalate hostility and encourage positive brain plasticity in long-troubled couples.
It’s not often truly life-changing information comes along. After 12 years of clinical development and research, Crucible Mind Mapping Therapy is ready for release.
This workshop covers the incredible neuroscience behind how the brain automatically maps out other people’s minds, and how we come to understand ourselves.
- Mind-mapping changes your view of relationships: It’s much easier to accept a dysfunctional relationship when you think your partner is socially inept or mind-blind. When you realize your partner is tracking your responses, mapping your mind, and using this against you, stuck relationships quickly reach critical mass for change.
- You’ll also learn about mind-masking, the brain’s ability to ward off being mapped by someone else. Good mind-maskers can make you think they complete lack mind mapping ability. Understanding mind masking will completely change your view of your cases–and maybe your partner too. People who repeatedly do cruel, unhelpful, disappointing and/or hurtful things succeed because of their mind-mapping ability, not because they lack it.
- The third major focus concerns traumatic mind mapping (Schnarch, 2009), which occurs when successfully mapping out someone else's mind traumatizes your mind and negatively impacts your brain. Traumatic mind mapping revolutionizes your understanding of how emotional and sexual trauma occurs. Discover the hidden negative short-term and long-term brain impacts caused by repeated traumatic mind-mapping, particularly during childhood.
- Therapists often experience traumatic mind mapping in sessions from upsetting realizations about their clients or hearing their terrible stories. Become more resilient to traumatic mind-mapping in your sessions.
Learning these revolutionary therapy requires new teaching methods. This workshop emphasizes intuitive "right-brain" learning through personal application and extensive multi-media to develop your clinical abilities to use mind mapping in therapy. You will learn how to detect clients’ subtle mind mapping and mind-masking abilities, identify traumatic mind-mapping, introduce mind mapping to sessions, and leverage it into far-reaching insights and effective interventions.
Brain-based mind mapping therapy shakes up people’s lives and opens new avenues of healing and positive brain-change. Learning about it is personally powerful too. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to apply what you’re learning to your own life. In fact, you'll find it hard to stop. You’ll know first-hand what it’s like for clients to go through this.
Past participants say this workshop can shake your world upside-down too. We can’t promise you a life-changing experience, but come prepared for powerful new insights into your clients and how you conduct psychotherapy, together with revelations about your personal relationships and life history, that have lasting impact long after the workshop is over.
Overall, this workshop helps you develop your mind and brain as a clinical tool. Become a better source of positive brain-change in your clients, and the important people in your life.
- Harness interpersonal neurobiology through the brain science of mind-mapping.
- Strengthen couple therapy by detecting client’s mind-mapping and mind-masking abilities.
- Identify traumatic mind mapping and its short and long term neurobiological impacts.
- Introduce mind-mapping in sessions and leverage this into far-reaching insights and effective interventions.
Please note all times are approximate. Because we are focusing on practical learning, case deconstruction, and participant involvement, everyone benefits from the freedom to pay more attention to some aspects more than others. This may alter the time devoted to each topic.
** | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 |
9:00 | Understanding Mind Mapping | Using Mind Mapping in Therapy | Science-Based Psychotherapy | Traumatic Mind Mapping in Therapy |
10:30 | Break | Break | Break | Break |
10:45 | How Mind Mapping Works | Clinical examples of Mind Mapping Therapy | Practice Applying Mind Mapping | Personal Application |
12:30-1:30 | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch |
1:30 | Traumatic Mind Mapping | Live Clinical Demonstration | Traumatic Mind Mapping | Interpersonal Neurobiological Problems |
3:15 | Break | Break | Break | Break |
3:30-5:00 | Common Examples of Traumatic Mind Mapping | Debriefing u0026amp; Discussion | Anti-Social Empathy | Crucible® Neurobiological Therapy |
This workshop is offered at the intermediate level of postgraduate training.
Learning objectives for the Bellevue Clinical Workshop:
For a complete list of learning objectives, please contact the Marriage and Family Health Center by email, phone or letter.
For information on the Workshop Presenters, click here. To review their vita, click here for Dr. David Schnarch or Dr. Ruth Morehouse.
Fees include coffee and beverage breaks. Lunch is on your own all days.
Bellevue, WA
Early registration (received by June 9, 2016) – $630.00
Standard registration – $700.00
For details of the Bellevue, WA Workshop location, lodging and parking, click here.
Bellevue, WA Cancellation Policy:
By Written Request Only.
When cancellation is received by June 14, 2016: full refund minus $150;
Received by June 24, 2016: 50% refund;
Thereafter 25% refund, no refund after start of Workshop.
To complete your registration, you must complete the Workshop Agreement and Conflicts of Interest Disclosure and return these forms to us. (View and print these forms here). Your Registration is not official until MFHC has received and approved these forms. After completing payment, please print these pages, sign, and fax to our office at (303) 670-2392 or email to [email protected].
Continuing Education Credits:
Crucible Mind Mapping Therapy Workshop:
This program is sponsored by the Marriage and Family Health Center (MFHC, also doing business as the Crucible Institute).
MFHC is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to Sponsor continuing education for psychologists. MFHC maintains responsibility for this program and its content. This workshop earns: Four Day Workshop 28 CE credits for Licensed Psychologists.
Marriage u0026amp; Family Health Center (MFHC) has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 5870. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. MFHC is soley responsible for all aspects of the programs. This workshop earns 26 NBCC Clock Hours.
MFHC is also an approved provider of the Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners (TEXAS SW), and this workshop earns: Four Day Workshop 26 CE Credits.
This program meets the requirements of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) and is approved for 26 CE Credits. Completion of this program does not ensure or guarantee AASECT certification. For further information please contact [email protected].
CE Credits $15.00 per certificate requested. If you need CE credits, you must take responsibility for checking to see if we have approval for your agency or licensing board. We have participants coming from all over the United States and outside the United States. Thus, we cannot guarantee CE credits for every State or Agency. Many professional organizations will accept the CE Credits from parallel organizations, but it is your responsibility to confirm status with your professional organization. The variations of the exact amount of CE hours depend on each Agency’s policy regarding breaks.
This workshop makes good therapists better, combining the fine art of psychotherapy with evolving brain science. Reserve your space in this exciting clinical training.