Requests for treatment from around the world followed publication of Constructing the Sexual Crucible in 1991. A traditional one-hour-a-week format couldn’t accommodate people living in other states or countries. So, we took the content of Crucible® Therapy and created a novel structure: Our Intensive Therapy Program, consisting of four or more consecutive days of closely-spaced sessions in half-day blocks.
Crucible® Intensive Therapy Program
- Stop pointing fingers and identify each partner’s roles in repeated negative interactions
- Get beyond circular arguments
- Give up defensive stances
- Discuss loaded issues
- Take responsibility for change and make it happen
- Build a satisfying relationship
Is your sex life asleep, comatose or dead? Have you lost hope or desire to stay together? In many couples we see, one partner wants to end the relationship. In others, both partners are burnt out, fed up, and almost ready to give up. Demoralization is a serious problem in many couples we see. The best cure for demoralization is seeing your efforts improve your relationship. Speed is important because improvement creates hope. If you’re willing to do what it takes to change your marriage, the closely spaced sessions of the Intensive format helps you see the fruits of your labors. Approaching things through our framework of "marriage is a people-growing machine" can make you more resilient.
Individual attention
A Crucible® Intensive focuses on you as an individual as well as part of a couple. Working on individual issues is an integral part of the process. An Intensive helps you work on becoming a more mature and solid person, who can be a better partner. Opportunities for personal growth occur both in-session and between sessions.
A New Way Forward
- a unique understanding of how love relationships really work.
- a new picture of yourself, your partner and your relationship.
- a “womb to tomb” approach that applies to you and your partner, and relationships with children, parents, siblings, friends, and co-workers.
The Crucible® Intensive Therapy Program can address common problems like nagging undercurrents, boring sex, and lack of intimacy, or more difficult issues like:
- Constant bitter arguments
- Separation or imminent divorce
- Pervasive relationship problems
- Power and control struggles
- Extramarital affairs
- Sexual dysfunctions and desire problems
Overall Gains
- Self-respect and respect for each other
- Authentic communication in a non-threatening way
- A strong collaborative alliance
- Greater emotional resilience and commitment
Couples, families, and individuals come from around the world for our unique Crucible® Intensive Therapy Program . Others have tried to copy our format, but our Intensive Therapy Program remains unique because it offers Crucible® Therapy, our ground-breaking clinical approach.
To read more about the Crucible® Intensive Therapy Program, go to
For more details on scheduling, request additional information.